The Next 20 Years project sponsors an on-going industry salon… entitled TwoDegrees.
The TwoDegrees gathering is a curated “by invitation only” event and typically free to attend. Invitations are extended to members of our invitation list only. If you’d like to request to be on the invitation list please apply here. Gatherings are held roughly on a quarterly basis in Northern California.
In essence these gatherings are vibrant cocktail parties, but one with an embedded purpose: we connect interesting beloved friends of interesting beloved friends within intersecting industries, companies, organizations and social causes. Our membership includes: executives, investors, artists, comedy writers, authors, film makers, journalists, publishers, doctors, engineers, philanthropists, designers, slackers, husbands, scientists, architects, wives, people who do yoga, people who don’t, mountain bikers, sustainable business consultants and many like minded organizations.
TwoDegrees gatherings are based on a simple premise, well two actually: First, that it seems to us, it is growingly important to unplug for an evening, to meet colleagues and new people face to face, no texts, no emails. And second, that someone’s beloved
friend is a very good person to meet not to mention share: for new jobs, for friendship, for business to business partnering, for investment, for hiring and for the pure human pleasure of meeting great new people. We think of it as classic and old school Social Networking… in person!
Wish to attend ? apply here…